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Theologie und Naturwissenschaft – ausgewählte Literatur

Theologie und Naturwissenschaften. Neuere Beiträge zum Dialog
Sommersemester 2004

Barbour, Ian G., Wissenschaft und Glaube (RThN 1), Vandenhoeck: Göttingen 2003.
Brown, Warren S / Nancy Murphy / H. Newton Malony, Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, Fortress: Minneapolis 1998.
Coyne, George V. / Karl Schmitz-Moormann (Hg.), Studies in Science and Theology, Labor et Fides: Genf. Bd. 1: Origins, Time and Complexity, Teil 1, SSTh 1993. Bd. 2: Origins, Time and Complexity, Teil 2, SSTh 1994.
Gregersen, Niels H. / Ulf Görman / Christopf Wassermann (Hg.), Studies in Science and Theology, Laber et Fides: Genf, Bd. 5: The Interplay Between Scientific and Theological Worldviews, Teil 1, SSTh 1997. Bd. 6: The Interplay Between Scientific and Theological Worldviews, Teil 2, SSTh 1998.
Gregersen, Niels H. / Willem B. Dress / Ulf Görman (Hg.), The Human Person in Science and Theology, T&T Clark: Edinburgh 2000
Gregerson, Niels H. / J. Wentzel van Huyssteen (Hg.), Rethinking Theology and Science, Six Models fort he Current Dialogue, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K. 1998.
Heller, Michael, Creative Tension. Essays on Science and Religion, Templeton Foundation Press: Philadelphia/London 2003.
Hübner, Jürgen(Hg.), Der Dialog zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaft. Ein bibliographischer Bericht, CHr. Kaiser:München 1987.
Jeeves, M.(Hg.), From Cells to Souls – and Beyond: Changing Portraits of Human Nature, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids 2004.
Peacocke, Arthur, Theology for a Scientific Age. Being and Becoming – Natural, Divine and Human, SCM: 1993.
Peters, Ted (Hg.), Science and Theology. The New Consonance, Westview: Boulder 1988.
Peters, Ted / Robert J. Russell / Michael Welker (Hg.), Resurrection. Theological and Scientific Assessments, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K. 2002.
Polkinghorne, John / Michael Welker(Hg.), The End of the World and the Ends of God. Science and Theology on Eschatology, Trinity: Harrisburg 2000.
Polkinghorne, John, An Gott glauben im Zeitalter der Naturwissenschaften. Die Theologie eines Physikers, Kaiser: Gütersloh 2000;
Polkinghorne, John, Belief in God in an Age of Science, Yale: New Haven / London 1998.
Polkinghorne, John, The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker. The Gifford Lectures for 1993-4, Princeton University Process: Princeton 1994.
Polkinghorne, John, Theologie und Naturwissenschaften. Eine Einführung, CHr. Kaiser – Gütersloher: Gütersloh 2001.
Rae, Murray / Hilary Regan / John Stenhouse, Science and Theology: Question at the interface, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K., zuerst veröffentlicht von T&T Clark: Edinburgh 1994.
Russel, Robert J. / William R. Stoeger / George V. Coyne (Hg.), Physics, Philosophy and Theology. A Common Quest for Understanding, Vatican Observatory: Vatican City State 1988.
Who’s Who in Theology and Science. 1996 Edition, hg. John Templeton Foundation, Continuum: New York 1996.

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