Die wissenschaftlichen Projekte
- Gott und Kreativität (2005)
- Ein Essay über den Geist und die Natur (2006)
- Krankheit und Schmerzen (2006)
- Eine Untersuchung der Nichtsinnlichen Wahrnehmung und der Sympathie im Erleben (2007)
- Kontingenz, Emergenz und Kreativität (2007)
- Niklas Luhmann and Systems Theory(2008)
- Michael Welker and John Polkinghorne(2008)
- Gott und Geld (2008)
- Kirche und Gemeinschaft des Lebens (2009)
- Moderne Theologie und Minjungtheologie (2010)
- Science and Religion (2014-now)
- AI, Post-Humanism and Religion(2016-2018)
- Alturism and Brain Science(2019-now)
Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen :Bücher
- Chul Chun, An Understanding of Religion in Alfred North Whitehead (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 2000.2)
- Chul Chun, Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead: Alfred North Whiteheads frühe Naturphilosophie (1915-1922) - eine Rekonstruktion (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2010)
- Chul Chun (et al.), 100 Books for Theologian (Seoul: Faith and Intellectual, 2012.4)
- Chul Chun (et al.), The History of Christianity: Perspective on Reformation (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Media and Feminist Theology (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Zum Verhaeltnis vom Geist und Natur beim frühen Alfred North Whitehead, Gregor Etzelmueller/Heike Springhart (Hrsg.), Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt / 2013.1.29), 61-68.
- Chul Chun (et al.), The Pioneer of Korean Theology: Korean Theologian in 21st Century (Seoul: Your May, 2014.4)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Life-Theology Today (Seoul: Faith and Intellect, 2015)
- Chul Chun (et al. translation), Multi-perspective and biblical Study on the theological Theme Today (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2015)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Theological World of Korean Theological (Janggong) (Osan: Hanshin University, 2016.2)
- Chul Chun (et al.), 500 Reformation and the Korean Church (Seoul: Presbyterian theological University, 2017.3)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Life, Theology and Church in the Posthuman Civilisation (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2017.6)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Theology of Minority (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2017.9)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Reformation, the Heritage of Christianity (Seoul: Commission on Faith and Order of Korean Churches, 2017.12)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Theology of Peace (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2019.7)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Science and Religion in Korea: Science and Civilization in Korea 13 (Seoul: Dong Nyok, 2019.9)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Theology for the Reformation of Church in Korea (Seoul: Your May, 2019.11)
- Chul Chun (et al.), AI Era, Courage to Be Happy: Theory of Happpiness in the AI Era (Seoul: Science Books, 2020.12)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Observing Luhmann (Seoul: Hanul, 2021.4)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Human beyond Human: God, Human and Nature in the Posthuman Era (Seoul: Book of April, 2021.10)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Mass Culture and Spirituality (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2021.11)
- Chul Chun (et al.), Eco-Theology and Things-Theology (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2022.3)
Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen:
- »Analysis of Humor and Humor of Analysis«, The Journal of Hanshin 18 (1994)
- »The Phenomenological Understanding about Music«, The Journal of Hanshin 20 (1995)
- »Process and Reality of A.N. Whitehead«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1995. 8)
- »Escape to Eternity«, The Journal of Hanshin 21 (1995)
- »Whitehead and Organic Thought«, Theology of Jubilee (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1995)
- »Structuralism and Structual Bible Analysis«, Theology of Reconciliation (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1996)
- »Analytic Psychology on Carl Gustav Jung«, The Journal of Hanshin 23 (1996)
- »Philosophy of Otherness in Emmanuel Levinas«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1997. 1. 13)
- »The Problem of Subject-Object Structur and Change of Hermeneutic«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
- »Über das Verhältnis von Ethik und Religion«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
- »Human Understanding in View of A.N. Whitehead«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
- »A Study about Two Cultures of C.P. Snow«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1997. 12. 10)
- »Mysticism of Meister Eckhart«, Hanshin Bulletin (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1998)
- »Subjectivity, Otherness, Togetherness«, Hanshin Bulletin (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1999)
- »A Study of Kingdom of God in Process Theology«, For Academism (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1999. 6.)
- »A Study of Synchronicity in C.G.Jung«, The Journal of Hanshin 29 (1999. 9.)
- An Understanding of Religion in Alfred North Whitehead (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 2000.2)
- Interview mit der theologischen Zeitung Rumanias (2001. 09. 04)
- »Whiteheads Konzept von Kreativitat und Gott in der frühen naturphilosophischen Phase (1920-1926)«, Theological Studies 48, spring 2006, 227-264. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 4.2006)
- »Zum weltweit-theologischen Netzwerk: Ein Überblick von der Theologischen Fakultät Heidelberg«, Welt und Mission 192, spring 2007. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2007. 4)
- Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead. Eine Rekonstruktion von Alfred North Whiteheads früher Naturphilosophie (1915-1922). (Heidelberg 2007)
- »Das theologische Bildungssystem der Universität in Deutschland«, Welt und Mission 197, winter 2008. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2008. 12)
- »Whiteheads Verständnis von körperlichen Erfahrungen in seiner fruhen naturphilosophischen Phase«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 17, December 2008. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2008.12), 9-34.
- »Schmerz - Hans Georg Gadamer«, Theological Studies 52, Winter 2008. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2008. 12.), 311-326.
- »Eine Studie über Active Information bei John Polkinghorne«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 62. 2009. (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2009), 269-290.
- »Das Verhältnis zwischen System und Umwelt
beim späten Whitehead : Die Begriffe Duration und Strain
in seinem metaphysischen Werk Process and Reality«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 18, Juni 2009. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2009.6), 125-147.
- »Ökologische Kommunikation bei Niklas Luhmann«, New Heaven and Earth 16, Juli 2009 (Seoul : The Institut of Environment of Korean Church, 2009.7), 56-60.
- »Über die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Theologie«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 111. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2009.8), 265-287.
- »Okologie des Geistes bei Gregory Bateson - Der okologische Status Geist im Bateson¡¯s systemtheoretischen Denken«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 86. 2009 (Seoul : Philosophical Studiesl Society, 2009.8), 249-274.
- »Der Begriff event bei Alfred North Whitehead und seine theologische Bedeutung «, Theological Thought, Vol. 146. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Theological Study Institute, 2009.9), 77-98.
- »Eine Studie über Anschauung bei Friedrich Schleiermacher«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 65. 2009. (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2009), 83-105.
- »Das Leib-Seele-Verhältnis bei John Polkinghorne«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 112. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2009.11), 297-317.
- Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead: Alfred North Whiteheads frühe Naturphilosophie (1915-1922) - eine Rekonstruktion (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2010)
- »Eine Studie über Synchronizität bei Carl Gustav Jung«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 68. 2010 (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2010.4), 167-189.
- »Whitehead¡¯s Concept of Proposition and Creative Advance of nature«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 116. 2010 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2010.11), 351-370.
- »Licht und Schatten der westlichen Theologie beim frühen Ahn Byung Mu«, Theological Thought, Vol. 152. 2011 (Seoul : Korea Theological Study Institute, 2011.3), 79-108.
- »A Way of my theological Life«, A beautiful University of my Life: Hanshin University (Osan: Hanshin University Press, 2011.2.28), 154-159.
- »Modernity and Christian Thought: About the Death«, Saegil Story, Vol. 40. 2011 (2011.3.6), 163-180.
- »Eine soziale Bedeutung von Suende im Hinbllick auf das Christentum«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 30. 2011. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2011.9.30), 107-132.
- »Eine Studie über die Kritik der Minjungtheolgie an der westlichen Theologie«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 30. 2011. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2011.9.30), 107-132.
- »Weltethos of H.Kueng«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 73-75.
- »Der Baum der Erkenntnis of Maturana and Barela«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 189-191.
- »Matter, Life and Human of H.I. Chang«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 250-252.
- »Creatio ex nihilo, Continua and Creatio nova«, A hidden Story of Christianity (Seoul: Jari, 2012.4), 96-106.
- »Eschatology: End of Body and Eternity of Life«, A hidden Story of Christianity (Seoul: Jari, 2012.4), 107-118.
- »The Theological Meaning of Social Network Service«, Media and Feminist Theology (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5), 132-153.
- »The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Change of Korean Church«, Annual Easter Unity Service in Korean Church (National Counsel of Church in Korea, 2012.5), 16-18.
- »Privacy and Publicity of Korean Church : in the Systematic Theological Approach«, Symposium on Privacy and Publicity of Korean Christinity (Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2012.7.6.), 23-24.
- »System Theory on Alfred North Whitehead and Niklas Luhmann : System und Umwelt«, Annual Symposium on Interdisciplinary Study on Alfred North Whitehead (Korea Whitehead Society, 2012.10.20.), 46-56.
- »A Assignment for the Public Paradigm in Korean Church«, God of Life, Lead Us Justice and Peace! - 61th General Assembly of National Councel of Church in Korea (National Counsel of Church in Korea, 2012.10.20.), 46-56.
- »Zum Verhaeltnis vom Geist und Natur beim fruehen Alfred North Whitehead«, Gregor Etzelmueller/Heike Springhart (Hrsg.), Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt / 2013.1.29), 61-68.
- »A Study on Ham Sok-Hon's Theory of Life«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 88. 2013 (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2013.7), 113-134.
- Theology of the 10th WCC General Assembly Document and the Tasks of the Church, World and Mission 216
- A life for the theology and Piety, World and Mission 216 (Graduate School of Theology, Hanshin University
- »Ecology of Mind: Gregory Bateson¡¯s Understandings of the Sacred«, Theological Studies 63, Winter 2013. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2013. 12. 31), 155-185.
- Pioneers of Korean Theology (Seoul: Your May, 2014.4.10)
- »A Study on the Concept of the Realism of Love as Identified by Janggong Kim Jae-Jun«, Theological Forum, Vol. 76. (Seoul: Yonsei University, Theological Faculty, 2014.6.30.), 325-348.
- »A Study on Relational Ecclesiology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 38. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2014.6.30.), 343-371.
- We stay by your side, (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2014.12.25)
- »Eine Untersuchung ueber die Theologie der Natur bei Changgong Kim Chai Choon«, Theological Studies 65, Winter 2014. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2014. 12. 31), 71-94.
- »A Study on the Concept of Immortality of Alfred North Whitehead«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 29, December 2014. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2014. 12. 31), 30-55.
- Multi-perspektivische und biblisch orientierte Erforschung heutiger theologischer Themen (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2015.4)
- Theology of Life Today 2 (Seoul: Faith and Reason, 2015.5.27)
- »A Theological Study on Niklas Luhmann¡¯s Systems Theory«, Theological Studies 66, Sommer 2015. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2015. 6. 30), 33-58.
- »A Study on Manu Song Chang Keun¡¯s Ecclesiology«, Theological Studies 67, Winter 2015. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2015. 12. 31), 119-143.
- The Theological World of Janggong Kim Jae Jun II (Osan: Hanshin University Press / 2016.2)
- »Eastern-western multi-paradigmatic Research on Correlation between Ancestor and Descendant - Focusing on Zhu Xi¡¯s Theory of Correlation and Carl Jung¡¯s Theory of Synchronicity«, Studies in Confucianism 34, Spring 2016. (Daejun: Confucianism Research Instutute, Chungnam National University, 2016. 2. 29), 345-370.
- »The Ecumenical Movement in the 21st Century and its Tasks - From the Perspective of ¡°The Church: Towards a Common Vision (WCC, 2013)¡± «, Theological Studies 68 Summer 2016. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2016. 6. 30), 85-110.
- »Dialogue between Minjung Theology and System Theory ¡ª A Perspective on System Theory from the Definition of Life in Minjung Theology«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 46. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2016.12.31.), 247-274.
- »The Crisis of Religions and Reconstruction of Theism ¡ª Focusing on Whitehead¡¯s Theory on Religion«, Journal of Religion and Culture, Vol. 27. (Osan : Center for Religious and Cultural Studies, 2016.12.31.), 245-267.
- »Study on Dasan Jeong Yak-Yong's philosophical Huamnism: Centered on the creative Reconstruction of Mind-Body Theory and Morality Principle« The Journal of Asian Philosophy in Korea, Vol. 46. (Seoul: The Society for Asian Philosphy in Korea, 2016. 12. 31), 193-223.
- »Kenosis: A View from the Humanities ¡ª On the Social Possibility of Self-Emptying« Theology and Society, Vol. 31 (Seoul: Academy for 21th Century Christian Society & Culture, 2017. 2. 28), 9-40.
- »A Study on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Theory of Eco-Religion ¡ª Centering on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Ecological Communication Theory of Mind« Studies on Life and Culture, Vol. 43. (Seoul: Research Institute For Life And Culture Sogang University, 2017. 2. 28), 51-86.
- »An Implication of the Discourse between Religion and Science on the History of Civilization«, Theological Forum, Vol. 87 (Seoul: Yonsei University, Theological Faculty, 2017.03.31.), 295-321.
- 500 Year Reformation and the Task of Korean Church (Seoul: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Press, 2017.4.10)
- Post-Human Era: Reminding Life, Theology and Church (Seoul: Dong Youn, 2017.6)
- »A Study of Modernity on Theology of Nature: A Reconstruction of Theology of Nature for the Future of Human Beings and Nature«,Theological Studies 70 Summer 2017 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2017. 6. 30), 45-73.
- Theology of the Minorities (Seoul: Dong Youn, 2017.9)
- Reformation, Common Heritage of Christianity (Seoul: Commission on Faith and Order of Korean Churches, 2017.12)
- »Theology of Nature and Science of Nature«,Theological Studies 71 Summer 2017 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2017. 12. 31), 155-179.
- »Two Horizons of Interpretation: The Presentness of Tradition and Traditon of Presentness«, Christian Thoughts 716 (2018. August / 2018.8.1), 215-220.
- »The Intelligence of God and the Intelligence of Things: A Theological Study on the Nature of Intelligence« Theological Thought 183 Winter 2018 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2018.12.31), 79-109.
- »Ecological Civilization as a Mirror of Dialogue between Religion and Science: Dialogue between Science and Religion Towards Ecological Transition«, Theological Studies 73 Winter 2018 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2018. 12. 31), 7-28.
- »A Theological Study on Altruism: Post-humanistic Discourse on Altruism and Peace«, Theological Thought 184 Spring 2019 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2019. 3. 31), 79-109.
- »A Study on the Concept of the Spiritual Body and Community of Cosmic Love as Identified by Janggong Kim Jae-Jun«, Theological Studies 74 Summer 2019 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2019. 6. 30), 125-149.
- Theology of Peace (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2019.7)
- Religion and Science in Korea (Seoul: Dul Nyouk, 2019.8)
- Theology for the Reformation of Church in Korea (Seoul: Your May, 2019.11)
- »A study on the Relationship between Revelation and Epistemology: Focusing on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Ecology of Mind«, Theological Studies 77 Winter 2020 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2019. 6. 30), 31-55.
- »Shining and Shadowy Aspects of Humanism: A Theoretical Exploration of Critical Post-Humanism«, Theological Thought 191 Winter 2020 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2020.12.31), 295-323.
- AI Era, Courage to Be Happy: Theory of Happpiness in the AI Era (Seoul: Science Books, 2020.12)
- »Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Intelligence from the Perspective of Cognitive Science and Theology«, Theological Thought 192 Spring 2021 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2021.3.31), 229-253.
- Observing Luhmann (Seoul: Hanul, 2021.4)
- »Animal Rights in Posthuman Society: AI, Personhood, Animalhood«, Theological Thought 193 Sommer 2021 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2021.6.30), 61-85.
- Human beyond Human: God, Human and Nature in the Posthuman Era (Seoul: Book of April, 2021.10)
- Mass Culture and Spirituality (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2021.11)
- »A study on the relationship between revelation and epistemology: Focusing on Gregory Bateson's Ecology of Mind«, Theological Studies 79 Winter 2021 (Seoul: Theological Faculty at Hanshin University, 2021. 12. 31), 131-149.
- Eco-Theology and Things-Theology (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2022.3)
- »Metamorphosis of Religion and Science: Interpretation of Scientific Civilization in Korean Christianity in the 20th Century and Its Transformation«, Theological Thought 199 Winter 2022 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2022.12.31), 105-124.