Unterwegs zur Theologie

since 2008/3/1  


Chul Chun

Th. M. (University of Hanshin, Korea)

Dr. theol. (University of Heidelberg, Germany)


Chul Chun wurde in Südkorea geboren, wo er auch seine Schulausbildung absolvierte. Er studierte an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, ferner arbeitete er als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft an verschiedenen theologischen Instituten. Im Jahr 2000 schloss er das Studium mit einer Arbeit über Alfred North Whitehead ab und wechselte nach Heidelberg, um mit einem Stipendium des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen über Whitehead zu promovieren. Er hat unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. hc. Michael Welker seine Dissertation über das Thema Kreativität beim Alfred North Whitehead an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg im Jahr 2007 geschrieben. Seit 2014 ist er Professor für Systematische Theologie an der Hanshin Universität in Korea.

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          Die wissenschaftlichen Projekte

  1. Gott und Kreativität (2005)
  2. Ein Essay über den Geist und die Natur (2006)
  3. Krankheit und Schmerzen (2006)
  4. Eine Untersuchung der Nichtsinnlichen Wahrnehmung und der Sympathie im Erleben (2007)
  5. Kontingenz, Emergenz und Kreativität (2007)
  6. Niklas Luhmann and Systems Theory(2008)
  7. Michael Welker and John Polkinghorne(2008)
  8. Gott und Geld (2008)
  9. Kirche und Gemeinschaft des Lebens (2009)
  10. Moderne Theologie und Minjungtheologie (2010)
  11. Science and Religion (2014-now)
  12. AI, Post-Humanism and Religion(2016-2018)
  13. Alturism and Brain Science(2019-now)

          Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen :Bücher

  1. Chul Chun, An Understanding of Religion in Alfred North Whitehead (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 2000.2)
  2. Chul Chun, Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead: Alfred North Whiteheads frühe Naturphilosophie (1915-1922) - eine Rekonstruktion (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2010)
  3. Chul Chun (et al.), 100 Books for Theologian (Seoul: Faith and Intellectual, 2012.4)
  4. Chul Chun (et al.), The History of Christianity: Perspective on Reformation (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5)
  5. Chul Chun (et al.), Media and Feminist Theology (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5)
  6. Chul Chun (et al.), Zum Verhaeltnis vom Geist und Natur beim frühen Alfred North Whitehead, Gregor Etzelmueller/Heike Springhart (Hrsg.), Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt / 2013.1.29), 61-68.
  7. Chul Chun (et al.), The Pioneer of Korean Theology: Korean Theologian in 21st Century (Seoul: Your May, 2014.4)
  8. Chul Chun (et al.), Life-Theology Today (Seoul: Faith and Intellect, 2015)
  9. Chul Chun (et al. translation), Multi-perspective and biblical Study on the theological Theme Today (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2015)
  10. Chul Chun (et al.), Theological World of Korean Theological (Janggong) (Osan: Hanshin University, 2016.2)
  11. Chul Chun (et al.), 500 Reformation and the Korean Church (Seoul: Presbyterian theological University, 2017.3)
  12. Chul Chun (et al.), Life, Theology and Church in the Posthuman Civilisation (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2017.6)
  13. Chul Chun (et al.), Theology of Minority (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2017.9)
  14. Chul Chun (et al.), Reformation, the Heritage of Christianity (Seoul: Commission on Faith and Order of Korean Churches, 2017.12)
  15. Chul Chun (et al.), Theology of Peace (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2019.7)
  16. Chul Chun (et al.), Science and Religion in Korea: Science and Civilization in Korea 13 (Seoul: Dong Nyok, 2019.9)
  17. Chul Chun (et al.), Theology for the Reformation of Church in Korea (Seoul: Your May, 2019.11)
  18. Chul Chun (et al.), AI Era, Courage to Be Happy: Theory of Happpiness in the AI Era (Seoul: Science Books, 2020.12)
  19. Chul Chun (et al.), Observing Luhmann (Seoul: Hanul, 2021.4)
  20. Chul Chun (et al.), Human beyond Human: God, Human and Nature in the Posthuman Era (Seoul: Book of April, 2021.10)
  21. Chul Chun (et al.), Mass Culture and Spirituality (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2021.11)
  22. Chul Chun (et al.), Eco-Theology and Things-Theology (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2022.3)


          Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen:


  1. »Analysis of Humor and Humor of Analysis«, The Journal of Hanshin 18 (1994)
  2. 1995

  3. »The Phenomenological Understanding about Music«, The Journal of Hanshin 20 (1995)
  4. »Process and Reality of A.N. Whitehead«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1995. 8)
  5. »Escape to Eternity«, The Journal of Hanshin 21 (1995)
  6. »Whitehead and Organic Thought«, Theology of Jubilee (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1995)
  7. 1996

  8. »Structuralism and Structual Bible Analysis«, Theology of Reconciliation (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1996)
  9. »Analytic Psychology on Carl Gustav Jung«, The Journal of Hanshin 23 (1996)
  10. 1997

  11. »Philosophy of Otherness in Emmanuel Levinas«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1997. 1. 13)
  12. »The Problem of Subject-Object Structur and Change of Hermeneutic«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
  13. »Über das Verhältnis von Ethik und Religion«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
  14. »Human Understanding in View of A.N. Whitehead«, Theology of Future (Osan : Department of Theology in Hanshin University, 1997)
  15. »A Study about Two Cultures of C.P. Snow«, Newspaper of Hanshin University (1997. 12. 10)
  16. 1998

  17. »Mysticism of Meister Eckhart«, Hanshin Bulletin (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1998)
  18. 1999

  19. »Subjectivity, Otherness, Togetherness«, Hanshin Bulletin (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1999)
  20. »A Study of Kingdom of God in Process Theology«, For Academism (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 1999. 6.)
  21. »A Study of  Synchronicity in C.G.Jung«, The Journal of Hanshin 29 (1999. 9.)
  22. 2000

  23. An Understanding of Religion in Alfred North Whitehead (Seoul : Graduate School in Hanshin University, 2000.2)
  24. 2001

  25. Interview mit der theologischen Zeitung Rumanias (2001. 09. 04)
  26. 2006

  27. »Whiteheads Konzept von Kreativitat und Gott in der frühen naturphilosophischen Phase (1920-1926)«, Theological Studies 48, spring 2006, 227-264. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 4.2006)
  28. 2007

  29. »Zum weltweit-theologischen Netzwerk: Ein Überblick von der Theologischen Fakultät Heidelberg«, Welt und Mission 192, spring 2007. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2007. 4)
  30. Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead. Eine Rekonstruktion von Alfred North Whiteheads früher Naturphilosophie (1915-1922). (Heidelberg 2007)
  31. 2008

  32. »Das theologische Bildungssystem der Universität in Deutschland«,  Welt und Mission 197, winter 2008. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2008. 12)
  33. »Whiteheads Verständnis von körperlichen Erfahrungen in seiner fruhen naturphilosophischen Phase«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 17, December 2008. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2008.12), 9-34.
  34. »Schmerz - Hans Georg Gadamer«, Theological Studies 52, Winter 2008. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2008. 12.), 311-326.
  35. 2009

  36. »Eine Studie über Active Information bei John Polkinghorne«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 62. 2009. (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2009), 269-290.
  37. »Das Verhältnis zwischen System und Umwelt beim späten Whitehead : Die Begriffe Duration und Strain in seinem metaphysischen Werk Process and Reality«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 18, Juni 2009. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2009.6), 125-147.
  38. »Ökologische Kommunikation bei Niklas Luhmann«, New Heaven and Earth 16, Juli 2009 (Seoul : The Institut of Environment of Korean Church, 2009.7), 56-60.
  39. »Über die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Theologie«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 111. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2009.8), 265-287.
  40. »Okologie des Geistes bei Gregory Bateson - Der okologische Status Geist im Bateson¡¯s systemtheoretischen Denken«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 86. 2009 (Seoul : Philosophical Studiesl Society, 2009.8), 249-274.
  41. »Der Begriff event bei Alfred North Whitehead und seine theologische Bedeutung «, Theological Thought, Vol. 146. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Theological Study Institute, 2009.9), 77-98.
  42. »Eine Studie über Anschauung bei Friedrich Schleiermacher«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 65. 2009. (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2009), 83-105.
  43. »Das Leib-Seele-Verhältnis bei John Polkinghorne«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 112. 2009 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2009.11), 297-317.
  44. 2010

  45. Kreativität und Relativität der Welt beim frühen Whitehead: Alfred North Whiteheads frühe Naturphilosophie (1915-1922) - eine Rekonstruktion (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2010)
  46. »Eine Studie über Synchronizität bei Carl Gustav Jung«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 68. 2010 (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2010.4), 167-189.
  47. »Whitehead¡¯s Concept of Proposition and Creative Advance of nature«, Philosophical Studies, Vol. 116. 2010 (Seoul : Korea Philosophical Society, 2010.11), 351-370.
  48. 2011

  49. »Licht und Schatten der westlichen Theologie beim frühen Ahn Byung Mu«, Theological Thought, Vol. 152. 2011 (Seoul : Korea Theological Study Institute, 2011.3), 79-108.
  50. »A Way of my theological Life«, A beautiful University of my Life: Hanshin University (Osan: Hanshin University Press, 2011.2.28), 154-159.
  51. »Modernity and Christian Thought: About the Death«, Saegil Story, Vol. 40. 2011 (2011.3.6), 163-180.
  52. »Eine soziale Bedeutung von Suende im Hinbllick auf das Christentum«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 30. 2011. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2011.9.30), 107-132.
  53. »Eine Studie über die Kritik der Minjungtheolgie an der westlichen Theologie«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 30. 2011. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2011.9.30), 107-132.
  54. 2012

  55. »Weltethos of H.Kueng«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 73-75.
  56. »Der Baum der Erkenntnis of Maturana and Barela«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 189-191.
  57. »Matter, Life and Human of H.I. Chang«, 100 Books for Theology Student (Seoul: credo and ratio, 2012.4), 250-252.
  58. »Creatio ex nihilo, Continua and Creatio nova«, A hidden Story of Christianity (Seoul: Jari, 2012.4), 96-106.
  59. »Eschatology: End of Body and Eternity of Life«, A hidden Story of Christianity (Seoul: Jari, 2012.4), 107-118.
  60. »The Theological Meaning of Social Network Service«, Media and Feminist Theology (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2012.5), 132-153.
  61. »The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Change of Korean Church«, Annual Easter Unity Service in Korean Church (National Counsel of Church in Korea, 2012.5), 16-18.
  62. »Privacy and Publicity of Korean Church : in the Systematic Theological Approach«, Symposium on Privacy and Publicity of Korean Christinity (Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2012.7.6.), 23-24.
  63. »System Theory on Alfred North Whitehead and Niklas Luhmann : System und Umwelt«, Annual Symposium on Interdisciplinary Study on Alfred North Whitehead (Korea Whitehead Society, 2012.10.20.), 46-56.
  64. »A Assignment for the Public Paradigm in Korean Church«, God of Life, Lead Us Justice and Peace! - 61th General Assembly of National Councel of Church in Korea (National Counsel of Church in Korea, 2012.10.20.), 46-56.
  65. 2013

  66. »Zum Verhaeltnis vom Geist und Natur beim fruehen Alfred North Whitehead«, Gregor Etzelmueller/Heike Springhart (Hrsg.), Gottes Geist und menschlicher Geist (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt / 2013.1.29), 61-68.
  67. »A Study on Ham Sok-Hon's Theory of Life«, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 88. 2013 (Seoul : Korea Association of Christian Studies, 2013.7), 113-134.
  68. Theology of the 10th WCC General Assembly Document and the Tasks of the Church, World and Mission 216
  69. A life for the theology and Piety, World and Mission 216 (Graduate School of Theology, Hanshin University
  70. »Ecology of Mind: Gregory Bateson¡¯s Understandings of the Sacred«, Theological Studies 63, Winter 2013. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2013. 12. 31), 155-185.
  71. 2014

  72. Pioneers of Korean Theology (Seoul: Your May, 2014.4.10)
  73. »A Study on the Concept of the Realism of Love as Identified by Janggong Kim Jae-Jun«, Theological Forum, Vol. 76. (Seoul: Yonsei University, Theological Faculty, 2014.6.30.), 325-348.
  74. »A Study on Relational Ecclesiology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 38. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2014.6.30.), 343-371.
  75. We stay by your side, (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2014.12.25)
  76. »Eine Untersuchung ueber die Theologie der Natur bei Changgong Kim Chai Choon«, Theological Studies 65, Winter 2014. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2014. 12. 31), 71-94.
  77. »A Study on the Concept of Immortality of Alfred North Whitehead«, The Journal of Whitehead Studies 29, December 2014. (Seoul : The Whitehead Society of Korea, 2014. 12. 31), 30-55.
  78. 2015

  79. Multi-perspektivische und biblisch orientierte Erforschung heutiger theologischer Themen (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2015.4)
  80. Theology of Life Today 2 (Seoul: Faith and Reason, 2015.5.27)
  81. »A Theological Study on Niklas Luhmann¡¯s Systems Theory«, Theological Studies 66, Sommer 2015. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2015. 6. 30), 33-58.
  82. »A Study on Manu Song Chang Keun¡¯s Ecclesiology«, Theological Studies 67, Winter 2015. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2015. 12. 31), 119-143.
  83. 2016

  84. The Theological World of Janggong Kim Jae Jun II (Osan: Hanshin University Press / 2016.2)
  85. »Eastern-western multi-paradigmatic Research on Correlation between Ancestor and Descendant - Focusing on Zhu Xi¡¯s Theory of Correlation and Carl Jung¡¯s Theory of Synchronicity«, Studies in Confucianism 34, Spring 2016. (Daejun: Confucianism Research Instutute, Chungnam National University, 2016. 2. 29), 345-370.
  86. »The Ecumenical Movement in the 21st Century and its Tasks - From the Perspective of ¡°The Church: Towards a Common Vision (WCC, 2013)¡± «, Theological Studies 68 Summer 2016. (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2016. 6. 30), 85-110.
  87. »Dialogue between Minjung Theology and System Theory ¡ª A Perspective on System Theory from the Definition of Life in Minjung Theology«, Korea Journal of Systematic Theology, Vol. 46. (Seoul : Korea Society of Systematic Theology, 2016.12.31.), 247-274.
  88. »The Crisis of Religions and Reconstruction of Theism ¡ª Focusing on Whitehead¡¯s Theory on Religion«, Journal of Religion and Culture, Vol. 27. (Osan : Center for Religious and Cultural Studies, 2016.12.31.), 245-267.
  89. »Study on Dasan Jeong Yak-Yong's philosophical Huamnism: Centered on the creative Reconstruction of Mind-Body Theory and Morality Principle« The Journal of Asian Philosophy in Korea, Vol. 46. (Seoul: The Society for Asian Philosphy in Korea, 2016. 12. 31), 193-223.
  90. 2017

  91. »Kenosis: A View from the Humanities ¡ª On the Social Possibility of Self-Emptying« Theology and Society, Vol. 31 (Seoul: Academy for 21th Century Christian Society & Culture, 2017. 2. 28), 9-40.
  92. »A Study on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Theory of Eco-Religion ¡ª Centering on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Ecological Communication Theory of Mind« Studies on Life and Culture, Vol. 43. (Seoul: Research Institute For Life And Culture Sogang University, 2017. 2. 28), 51-86.
  93. »An Implication of the Discourse between Religion and Science on the History of Civilization«, Theological Forum, Vol. 87 (Seoul: Yonsei University, Theological Faculty, 2017.03.31.), 295-321.
  94. 500 Year Reformation and the Task of Korean Church (Seoul: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Press, 2017.4.10)
  95. Post-Human Era: Reminding Life, Theology and Church (Seoul: Dong Youn, 2017.6)
  96. »A Study of Modernity on Theology of Nature: A Reconstruction of Theology of Nature for the Future of Human Beings and Nature«,Theological Studies 70 Summer 2017 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2017. 6. 30), 45-73.
  97. Theology of the Minorities (Seoul: Dong Youn, 2017.9)
  98. Reformation, Common Heritage of Christianity (Seoul: Commission on Faith and Order of Korean Churches, 2017.12)
  99. »Theology of Nature and Science of Nature«,Theological Studies 71 Summer 2017 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2017. 12. 31), 155-179.
  100. 2018

  101. »Two Horizons of Interpretation: The Presentness of Tradition and Traditon of Presentness«, Christian Thoughts 716 (2018. August / 2018.8.1), 215-220.
  102. »The Intelligence of God and the Intelligence of Things: A Theological Study on the Nature of Intelligence« Theological Thought 183 Winter 2018 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2018.12.31), 79-109.
  103. »Ecological Civilization as a Mirror of Dialogue between Religion and Science: Dialogue between Science and Religion Towards Ecological Transition«, Theological Studies 73 Winter 2018 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2018. 12. 31), 7-28.
  104. 2019

  105. »A Theological Study on Altruism: Post-humanistic Discourse on Altruism and Peace«, Theological Thought 184 Spring 2019 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2019. 3. 31), 79-109.
  106. »A Study on the Concept of the Spiritual Body and Community of Cosmic Love as Identified by Janggong Kim Jae-Jun«, Theological Studies 74 Summer 2019 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2019. 6. 30), 125-149.
  107. Theology of Peace (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2019.7)
  108. Religion and Science in Korea (Seoul: Dul Nyouk, 2019.8)
  109. Theology for the Reformation of Church in Korea (Seoul: Your May, 2019.11)
  110. 2020

  111. »A study on the Relationship between Revelation and Epistemology: Focusing on Gregory Bateson¡¯s Ecology of Mind«, Theological Studies 77 Winter 2020 (Seoul : Theologische Fakultät der Universität Hanshin, 2019. 6. 30), 31-55.
  112. »Shining and Shadowy Aspects of Humanism: A Theoretical Exploration of Critical Post-Humanism«, Theological Thought 191 Winter 2020 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2020.12.31), 295-323.
  113. AI Era, Courage to Be Happy: Theory of Happpiness in the AI Era (Seoul: Science Books, 2020.12)
  114. 2021

  115. »Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Intelligence from the Perspective of Cognitive Science and Theology«, Theological Thought 192 Spring 2021 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2021.3.31), 229-253.
  116. Observing Luhmann (Seoul: Hanul, 2021.4)
  117. »Animal Rights in Posthuman Society: AI, Personhood, Animalhood«, Theological Thought 193 Sommer 2021 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2021.6.30), 61-85.
  118. Human beyond Human: God, Human and Nature in the Posthuman Era (Seoul: Book of April, 2021.10)
  119. Mass Culture and Spirituality (Seoul: Dong Yeon, 2021.11)
  120. »A study on the relationship between revelation and epistemology: Focusing on Gregory Bateson's Ecology of Mind«, Theological Studies 79 Winter 2021 (Seoul: Theological Faculty at Hanshin University, 2021. 12. 31), 131-149.
  121. 2022

  122. Eco-Theology and Things-Theology (Seoul: The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2022.3)
  123. »Metamorphosis of Religion and Science: Interpretation of Scientific Civilization in Korean Christianity in the 20th Century and Its Transformation«, Theological Thought 199 Winter 2022 (Seoul: Theological Thought Institute, 2022.12.31), 105-124.